woensdag 20 juli 2011

Wall Street Boys Run The Show Only Ron Paul Has Firm Grasp

Gerald Celente : we definitely need a bill that will; prevent another financial crisis , Washington the white house lies and the media swears to it , this is not the greatest financial reform since the great depression , the greatest financial reform since the great depression was in 1999 the Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act under the Clinton Administration that deregulated the financial reforms that were put into place , look at the facts when the house senate passes versions of this bill the stock market voted , the banking stocks went up and so did the DOW , this is merely a white wash for the white shoe boyz on wall street it does nothing to prevent the coming crash of 2010 the bigs only got bigger , two third of the credit card action is controlled by three major banks you do not have to be a mathematician to add up the numbers , so when they are talking about the public won't have to bailout the too big to fails that's just not true , because what they did there was nineteen billion dollars that the banks were supposed to put up in the event of such a catastrophe but they did not put it up it was a white washed out of the bills , so that means that the public will foot the bill and they will say that they are going to the banks now to collect on it , so when the too bigs to fail fail the public will again will be left holding the bill........" 

Gerald Celente makes too much sense. Ron Paul is the best man seeking the Presidency. Americans will not elect Ron Paul. The media scoffs at him and wonders why he even talks. The average voter is beyond stupid and they will get the Government that stupid people deserve. America is hopeless. A complete collapse is unavoidable. It's a good thing in one sense and that is they will soon be too poor to bomb small helpless nations anymore.

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Successful people are always looking fo opportunities to help others. Unsuccesful people are always asking, "What's in it for me?" - Brian Tracy
The toughest thing about success is that you've got to keep on being a success. - Irving Berlin
Most people work just hard enough not to get fired and get paid just enough money not to quit. - George Carlin

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