donderdag 28 juli 2011
Adrian Salbuchi on The Keiser Report
Adrian Salbuchi from Argentina on The Keiser Report to discuss the global economic situation and how the banksters are bankrupting the world in order to buy it back on pennies to the dollar - I think Max Keiser is spot on with this report. 66% of Americans must be SICK in the HEAD NOT to realize that the country has turned into a dumpster .Keep up the fight against our enemies (the bankster financial terrorists) AND the "concern trollers" such as dumbshit christians and muslims and other religionists who pretend to share our concern but distract with their fairytale .its too bad we dont have any media in the usa that states the facts.... thank goodness for the internet. wake up america shut of your dead beat tv and start looking at some real news.
Super Congress Will KILL Real Congress
Even if the Norway terrorist was REAL the media and social engineers will manipulate it to serve their interests. Point and case. They altered his facebook from being a mason with some liberal views all of a sudden to a crazy right wing extremist. Like Alex quoted a politician. "Can't let a good tragedy go to waste" I kinda sided with Dr Pitchenik today. I think the norway terrorist was a true terrorist.Its time for AMERICANS that are AWAKE to RALLY together and get ready for a new kind of REVOLUTION because these people in HIGH places are not going change their plans of taking us over and making us slaves in the NEW WORLD ORDER. We need to send out a MAJOR message that THEY MIGHT HAVE THE POWER IN CONGRESS, WALL STREET, TREASURY, NATO..etc BUT WE HAVE THE POWER HERE ON THE LAND!!! ITS ABOUT TIME TO OVERTHROW THIS GOVERNMENT!!!! and their SUPER RICH ALLIES
Jim Marrs : Corporatism is running the United States
Investigative journalist author documentary fil maker and truth teller Jim Marrs on Freedomizer Radio 7/24/11
Jim Marrs : It is now Corporatism that is running the United States , the difference is in Nazi Germany the State gained control over the corporations and it was that combination that led to fascism i Nazi Germany , in modern America thsy just done the opposite the corporations have gained control over the state by their money power and by the lobbying , it is blinding the state with the corporate power they did it the opposite way the end result is the same FASCISM.
Jim Marrs : It is now Corporatism that is running the United States , the difference is in Nazi Germany the State gained control over the corporations and it was that combination that led to fascism i Nazi Germany , in modern America thsy just done the opposite the corporations have gained control over the state by their money power and by the lobbying , it is blinding the state with the corporate power they did it the opposite way the end result is the same FASCISM.
Gold is going one way and one way only and that is Up Up and Up.
Gold is going one way and one way only and that is Up Up and Up .says Owen Hegarty, Vice-Chairman & Executive Director at G-Resources, he also talks about various ways of investing in gold.Gold equities are going to have a very good run in the next few years he says they are probably going to outperform other equity markets , the supply of silver has calmed down there is certainly a shortage of silver and like gold he believes that silver has one way and one way only to go and that is up up and up , the gold supply from the mines has been in decline , Gold is very difficult to find.
Jim Marrs : The Oslo bomber was under psychiatric drugs
Jim Marrs : we see the same contradictions that always happen in these kind of false flag operations , Andreas Behring seems to be calm he admitted to have participated in the shooting yet he plaids not guilty , there is more to this story than we are told
The hierarchy of the Secret-Societies have been deeply involved in the Black-Occult since they have existed. This includes the ritual sacrifice of children and babies. This knowledge has been kept from the minds of society at large until more recently. It is now only a matter of time when the masses of the people become fully aware of the real agenda behind the secret societies and the true purpose of why they exist. They are Luciferians....
"The priests of the Mysteries were symbolized as a serpent, sometimes called Hydra...The Serpent Kings reigned over the earth. It was these Serpent Kings who founded the Mystery Schools [today's secret society network] which later appeared as the Egyptian and Brahmin Mysteries...The serpent was their symbol...They were the true Sons of Light, and from them have descended a long line of adepts and initiates"
The hierarchy of the Secret-Societies have been deeply involved in the Black-Occult since they have existed. This includes the ritual sacrifice of children and babies. This knowledge has been kept from the minds of society at large until more recently. It is now only a matter of time when the masses of the people become fully aware of the real agenda behind the secret societies and the true purpose of why they exist. They are Luciferians....
"The priests of the Mysteries were symbolized as a serpent, sometimes called Hydra...The Serpent Kings reigned over the earth. It was these Serpent Kings who founded the Mystery Schools [today's secret society network] which later appeared as the Egyptian and Brahmin Mysteries...The serpent was their symbol...They were the true Sons of Light, and from them have descended a long line of adepts and initiates"
Michael Savage : Anders Behring Breivik is a Christian terrorist.
Michael Savage : everyone claims that Anders Behring Breivik is insane and that his actions has nothing to do with his Christianity , Dr Savage disagrees and gives solid evidences that show that Anders Behring Breivik is a christian acting upon his belief and uses the bible to justifies his actions as he did in his manifesto ,Dr Savage draws parallels between Anders Behring Breivik and Al-Qaeda , I think that Dr, Savage made a solid point here, the greatest enemy is the enemy within and those who refuse to acknowledge the connection will never be able to stop this madness within their ranks says Dr Savage, I think this is a courageous move from Dr Savage knowing that the base of his audience is made of Christian fundamentalists that may not be happy to hear this , and this shows that he is an independent thinker who says what he believes in.
dinsdag 26 juli 2011
Germany is now able to reestablish the 4th Reich controlling all Europe through the Banking system.
Max Keiser: Germany now have all pieces in place to reestablish the Fourth Reich , they have the ability now to control the entire Eurozone through the German Banking System .The banking cancer just becoming worse in the Eurozone and in Greece . Obama is a puppet and like most presidents, prime ministers, politicians and are all in for the money and form a league with people like bankers and other moneymen especially those in large corporations to go against nations they are meant to govern. Essentially betraying civilians at all angles.China owns USA. If, (when) , they decide to stop buying US debt, the dollar is sunk. The empire is nearly over, just like every empire in history. The US/Murdoch propaganda about "exporting freedom and democracy across the world" was never true. If you still think USA has been a force for good in the world, try asking the rest of the world what they think first.
The Eurozone a failed project about to implode
Max Keiser: Always has good insight. The Globalist have their own agenda sad to say. The Euro will's only a matter of time before Spain, & other countries in similar trouble to Greece show up asking for money.
The elitist politicians in Europe & the corrupt bureaucrats in Brussels are the people who will risk others futures at any price to try & keep the Euro going because they are all on gravy train.........The game is almost up for Germany, if Italy do need a bailout.
The German banks have played a big part in this whole mess in Europe, not that they will admit it. They lent to every bank in europe and asked no questions, all they wanted was the profits. Germany has two choices 1. Put up the money to sort out this mess. 2 Pull out of the euro and then watch their exports fall. Either way they will have to pay.
The elitist politicians in Europe & the corrupt bureaucrats in Brussels are the people who will risk others futures at any price to try & keep the Euro going because they are all on gravy train.........The game is almost up for Germany, if Italy do need a bailout.
The German banks have played a big part in this whole mess in Europe, not that they will admit it. They lent to every bank in europe and asked no questions, all they wanted was the profits. Germany has two choices 1. Put up the money to sort out this mess. 2 Pull out of the euro and then watch their exports fall. Either way they will have to pay.
Gold going up - Reuters precious metals poll.
Good news for gold in the short term!
George Gero of RBC Wealth Management caught up with Kitco News to discuss the upcoming EU Summit and the possibility of stimulus in Western Europe, which might not translate into good news for gold in the short term. For Kitco News, Daniela Cambone reports. (7/22/11)
woensdag 20 juli 2011
Wall Street Boys Run The Show Only Ron Paul Has Firm Grasp
Gerald Celente : we definitely need a bill that will; prevent another financial crisis , Washington the white house lies and the media swears to it , this is not the greatest financial reform since the great depression , the greatest financial reform since the great depression was in 1999 the Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act under the Clinton Administration that deregulated the financial reforms that were put into place , look at the facts when the house senate passes versions of this bill the stock market voted , the banking stocks went up and so did the DOW , this is merely a white wash for the white shoe boyz on wall street it does nothing to prevent the coming crash of 2010 the bigs only got bigger , two third of the credit card action is controlled by three major banks you do not have to be a mathematician to add up the numbers , so when they are talking about the public won't have to bailout the too big to fails that's just not true , because what they did there was nineteen billion dollars that the banks were supposed to put up in the event of such a catastrophe but they did not put it up it was a white washed out of the bills , so that means that the public will foot the bill and they will say that they are going to the banks now to collect on it , so when the too bigs to fail fail the public will again will be left holding the bill........"
Gerald Celente makes too much sense. Ron Paul is the best man seeking the Presidency. Americans will not elect Ron Paul. The media scoffs at him and wonders why he even talks. The average voter is beyond stupid and they will get the Government that stupid people deserve. America is hopeless. A complete collapse is unavoidable. It's a good thing in one sense and that is they will soon be too poor to bomb small helpless nations anymore.
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The toughest thing about success is that you've got to keep on being a success. - Irving Berlin
Most people work just hard enough not to get fired and get paid just enough money not to quit. - George Carlin